Next Pope: Apostasy or Hope?


EASTER MINI-COURSE Begins Sunday April 27th

Who are the leading candidates to be the next Pope? Who are the apostates and who might return to Tradition? Is the next Conclave guaranteed to produce a valid Pope? How in Church History have antipopes been dethroned? What can Mary’s Apparitions and the Prophecy of Malachy teach us? Who is the Akita “Judas Pope”? Who is Fatima’s “Bishop in White”? Who St. Malachy’s “Peter the Roman”? And can lowly lay faithful truly turn the tide of evil?


EARLY BIRD!! Enroll by Easter for only $99.

Weekly Live Classes start Sunday April 27th, at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time! Join us this Easter Season. (Projected duration 4 weeks)


Wonders of Catholic Rome

Wonders of Catholic Rome:

A Virtual Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Eternal City!

More than 35 MILLION PILGRIMS will descend on Rome this year for the “Jubilee” Holy Year. But you can visit from the comfort of your own home: St. Peter’s Basilica, Treasures of the Vatican Museums, St. Mary Major, St. John Lateran, St. Paul Outside the Walls, The Pantheon, The Colosseum, Basilica of San Clemente, Church of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, Our Lady of Revelation, Tomb of St. Peter, Tomb of St. Monica, Tomb of St. Catherine of Siena, St. Valentine, St. Cecilia, St. Philip Neri, The Catacombs, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bernini, Caravaggio and much much more!


EARLY BIRD!! Enroll by Feb 28th for $249.

SAVE $50 by taking BOTH Wonders of Catholic Rome and Everything Mary! for only $450!

Weekly Live Classes start Wed March 12, at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!  (Projected duration 12-13 week

Everything(for)Mary: Apparitions, Art & Access to Christ


Apparitions, Art & Access to Christ

The ULTIMATE course on Our Lady. Before time runs out for Western Civilization: Learn the Secret [Weapon] that is Mary, Mother of God, and Mother of the Church through her APPARITIONS, ART & ARCHITECTURE and the TEACHING on HER ROLE in bringing souls to HER SON. Get answers to all objections to Catholic veneration of Our Lady and become Totally Hers! Join the struggle against Satan and the Antichurch under She who shall crush his head: Fatima, Russia, Guadalupe, Akita, John Paul II, St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximillian Kolbe, Notre Dame, Chartres, St. John, St. Luke, Raphael, Dante, Tolkien, Sheen and more…ENROLL

EARLY BIRD!! Enroll by February 28th for $249.

SAVE $50 by taking BOTH Everything Mary & Wonders of Catholic Rome for only $450!

Weekly Live Classes start Tues March 11, at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!  (Projected duration 12-13 weeks)

Ancient World



“Long Lay the World in Sin and Error Pining…”

This Advent/Christmas learn how The Light came into a World of Darkness and Pagan Civilization transformed into Christendom.Rest on the Flight into Egypt (1879) By Luc-Olivier Merson (1846-1920) The painting displayed is “Rest on the Flight into Egypt” by French artist Luc-Olivier Merson, completed in 1879. It depicts the

Each Christmas Catholics face the challenge of navigating a yearly routine of commercialism, cards, presents, and parties entirely divorced from the real “reason for the season.” Yet, separated from authentic history, the stable in the little town of Bethlehem is nothing more than a cardboard cutout among the rest of the decorations. While no sensible person would form an opinion on a great book having only read the last chapter, many today light candles and sing Christmas carols in blissful ignorance of the incredible events that led up to the appearance of the Babe in the Manger. But where do you turn to learn the “rest of the story?”

In an engaging and entertaining way, Dr. Mazza makes sense of Scripture, Tradition, and history to reveal startling insights from an astounding array of serious sources. Through Old Testament prophecies to ancient oracles to modern discoveries of astronomy and archaeology you will boldly overcome modern ignorance and indifference to enjoy your most profound experience of Christmas ever.

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Israel, The 300, Helen of Troy, Gladiators, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Julius Caesar, Antony & Cleopatra, The Sybils, The Seven Wonders, Alexander the Great, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Apostles and First Christian Martyrs–and much more! Starting Tues Dec 3rd

Enroll for $235. SAVE $ by taking BOTH Apologetics & Ancient World for only $450!

Weekly Live Classes start Tues Dec 3rd, at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!  (Projected duration 12-13 weeks)

Join us for an adventure Thousands of years in the Making!


Make or Break Catholic Apologetics

Make or Break Apologetics!

Catholic Church: Whore of Babylon or Bride of Christ?

Witch Burning, Jews & Spanish Inquisition, Did Christ establish the Papacy? What about Bad Popes, Bible Banning? Suppressing Science & Galileo, Islam & Crusades, “Worshipping” Mary, Eucharistic “idolatry,” Women’s Rights, Divorce, Abortion, Contraception & IVF, Usury & Slavery, “Pope” Francis, Freemasonry & One World Government

Enroll for $235. SAVE $ by taking BOTH Apologetics & Ancient World for only $450!



Weekly Live Classes start Wed Dec 4th, at 5pm PDT/6pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!  (Projected duration 12-13 weeks)




Join us this Advent for the TRUTH about CONCLAVES and ANTIPOPES in the history of the Catholic Church: Including 2013, 2005 and more! The Powers of Darkness vs the Powers of Light. From the Prophecy of St. Malachy to Malachi Martin. From Saints to Saint Gallen Mafia…the plots, the violence, the antipopes, the tragedies and the triumphs.

Early Bird Pricing $99 by Dec 1st


Weekly Live Classes start Sunday December 1st, at 6pm PDT/9pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!  (Projected duration 4 weeks)

Catholics in the Storm Conference


Navigating the Church Crisis with

Faith & Reason

On Demand Online Conference

“The world has grown rotten because of silence.” – St. Catherine of Siena


Click to ENROLL

Catholic conference focused on gaining clarity and peace of soul in a time of profound confusion. We will also summarize two different approaches to the evidence that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has never been the Pope (and why this is not sedevacantism).

Catholics In the Storm: Seven Talks, additional resources, links, and book recommendations. SPECIAL NEW YEAR’s PRICE: $69 till January 6th!

NOT a Live event: Conference is available for download whenever it is convenient for you.

Click to ENROLL

  • Coffin & Mazza Discuss Reasons to Think Francis is an Antipope
  • The Least You Need to Know To Explain Why You’re Catholic
  • The Rock: What Proofs that Jesus Established the Papacy?
  • Call Your Mother: The Four Marian Dogmas
  • How Corrupt Clerics and Scandals Only Prove the Church’s Divinity
  • Making Sense of Suffering: Hope for Our Times
  • Why the Crusades Were Awesome and the Inquisition Wasn’t Bad
  • A total of seven 30 minute Talks! Downloaded videos you can watch anytime.
  • Jesus is Lord. Hope is fuel. Stay Catholic.


Patrick Coffin is an author, media analyst, and host of the popular Patrick Coffin Show podcast downloaded weekly in over 110 countries with over 4 million views. Patrick has been called “an expert interviewer of experts,” and has had riveting conversations with top cultural influencers such as Tucker Carlson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Jordan Peterson, Sen. Rick Santorum, Raymond Cardinal Burke, Kevin Costner, Speaker Newt Gingrich Harry Connick Jr., Milo Yiannopoulos, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and hundreds more.

The former host of Catholic Answers Live radio show, Coffin transformed the program into America’s top-rated Catholic radio show, captivating listeners in over 390 markets across the country and around the world. He graduated from McGill University in Montreal with a Diplôme de Philosophie de l’Education Catholique, and a magna cum laude master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University. He has been a professional journalist since 1991.

Coffin is also the author of The Contraception Deception: Catholic Teaching On Birth Control (Foreword by Peter Kreeft), and is the founder and CEO of the True North Community, with members in many countries: His mission is to bridge the gap between Catholic faith and culture, and to teach people how to spot false media narratives and media bias. He is currently writing The 100 Movies You Have To Watch Before You’re Allowed To Die.

Mary! More Awesome Than Armies!

MARY! More Awesome Than Armies!      More Agile than Assassins!

ONLY She can save us from impending WWIII with Russia. More Powerful than Hiroshima, Hitler, or Heretics! Her dexterity deflected the bullet meant for Pope John Paul II–and perhaps other world leaders! Learn the Secret Weapon that is Mary!


Both Genesis and Revelation, describe combat between the Woman and the Serpent. We’ll cover Mary’s role in Christ’s triumph over Satan: from Christmas to Calvary, from Albigensians to Aztecs, from ancient idolatrous nations to modern Marxist-socialism: She shall crush his head. From Tradition, Saints and Marian Apparitions we’ll see Mary equips her children with the Rosary and the Scapular, forges them into warriors who obtain victory in their spiritual lives. She inspires heroes who defeat the dark stratagems of the enemies of the Church–inside and out! Her Fatima plan is our only hope for peace!

“Who is this that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?” Canticle of Canticles 6:9


Enroll by July 24th for $179 discounted price.

Weekly Live Classes start Tues Aug 6th, at 6pm PDT/9pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!  (Projected duration 9-10 weeks)


SuperHeretics VS SuperSaints

SuperHeretics vs

SuperSaints of the Reformation:

Luther, Calvin, Henry VIII, St. Ignatius, St. Philip Neri, St. Thomas More, St. Teresa of Avila & More! Starting July 17th

2025 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in full-swing. The full truth about the bad boys (and girls) who revolted against Catholic Christendom-and unwittingly founded our modern secular world! Recognize the threats (then & now) to the See of St. Peter and Christ’s Church. Learn the truths of the Catholic Faith from its greatest defenders–and their secrets to sanctity!


Enroll by July 24th for $179 discounted price.

Weekly Live Classes start Wed July 31st, at 6pm PDT/9pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time!  (Projected duration 9-10 weeks)


Jesus in the Eucharist!

JESUS in the Eucharist! A True Revival!

The Eucharist in the Bible & History, Eucharistic MIRACLES! The Saints, REPARATION & ADORATION!

ENROLL in both courses (Unsolved Mystery!) and get special rate of only $99 each ($198 total) for 7 weeks!


Weekly Live Classes start Wednesday May 29th, at 6pm PDT/9pm EDT and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded video link sent afterwards so you can watch on your own time! Join us this Summer! (Projected duration 7 weeks)